Lennonopettajien kertausseminaari (FI/IRI) 9.-10.6.2020

Järjestämme lennonopettajien (FI/IRI) kaksipäiväisen kertausseminaarin tiistaina ja keskiviikkona 9. ja 10. kesäkuuta 2020 klo 09.00-16.00 Aeropolen tiloissa Malmin lentoasemalla. Tarvittaessa osallistuminen on mahdollista myös etänä.
Ilmoittaudu mahdollisimman pikaisesti, mutta viimeistään 29.5.2020 mennessä ottamalla yhteyttä!

Kurssin hinta on 315€ (sis. alv 24%).

Covid-19 Measures and Service Levels

As of July 2020 we can serve our clients practically without restrictions — in practice only flights to/from Sweden are discouraged, although possible with a good reason.

Information below was valid as of Tue 24-Mar-2020 for operations in Finland. 

Due to the situation with the Corona virus, Aeropole has also had to adapt its service delivery accordingly and is trying to do its best to slow down the propagation of the virus and to mitigate the various consequences it has on the company operations. As of this writing, Aeropole continues both practical flight training as well as theory instruction, and services are provided at almost normal levels, bearing in mind we need to take special measures under these special times.

As a general rule, we are declining visitors during these times, but one-on-one instruction on a confirmed appointment is possible.

Flight Operations and Maintenance

Aircraft Rental

Aircraft rental is still possible almost as usual—only flights abroad are forbidden until further notice. This applies to PIC flights by Diamond Cadets, any skill tests/proficiency checks/assessments of competence, as well as any other aircraft rental. We have lowered the daily reservation minimums for most aircraft and are not charging for even last-minute cancellations if made for health reasons.

Practical Flight Training

Operations continue normally, with regular disinfection of cockpits and shared computers, larger separation of flight planning desks etc. Luckily, in the kind of 1:1 tuition that flight training is, a single instructor instructing only a handful of clients, each one by one, we are not in the highest risk.


Our aircraft maintenance organisation continues to operate as normally as possible, given the circumstances.

Theoretical Instruction

Now it is obviously a good moment to catch up on theoretical studies at home. Theoretical instruction continues as much as possible, given instructor availability.

Ground Schools

Physical attendance is strongly discouraged and instead, now is a great time to try out the virtual attendance option. We will limit the number of physical attendees to 4-6 case by case and depending on classroom size.

However listening-in attendees, i.e. those who have not fulfilled the necessary GS prerequisites to get the attendance mark, are not allowed to participate: neither in classroom (to lower the contamination risk), nor virtually (in order to preserve the bandwidth to those in bigger need).

Registration in advance is required as usual, but we reserve the right to prioritise attendees based on their stage of studies and real needs and hence to refuse attendance in some cases.

Last-minute cancellations due to instructor availability (or more stringent health measures later on) are of course possible and more likely than normally.


Final Exam opportunities will be provided on a limited, prioritised, as-needed basis. First-attempt candidates will be prioritised. Please make extra sure during these times that you have a high likelihood of passing the exam on the first attempt!

By default the responsibility of organising the CAA (Traficom) exams rests with the CAA, who have on 17-Mar suspended offering them at Kumpulantie in Helsinki until 14-Apr and informed they would provide extra opportunities on 15-16 April. The convenience option of sitting CAA exams at Aeropole’s premises is more or less suspended and reserved for really high-priority cases only.

This information is valid on the date above written and may change without prior notice, especially if competent authorities mandate compulsory other measures. We hope you can focus on your flight training even in these difficult times, knowing that your health and that of our staff is of paramount importance to us all at Aeropole.

Cessna 152 II’s Available

There just aren’t enough Diamonds around, so we added the venerable C152 to our fleet — or actually, six (6) of them. For the Sunday drivers and others who’d rather just spend time in a thing that flies slow and low, but still do that in a real aeroplane, the two-seater Cessna 152 II  is the cost-effective choice. Initially available for rent in Helsinki (180 €/h) and Jyväskylä (210 €/h) in Finland, and soon also in Roskilde Denmark. Prices are wet, based on airborne time plus a fixed 8-minute taxi surplus (not the whole block time or let alone Hobbs time) in autonomous rental activity, inclusive of all taxes, insurance, etc. We keep them all in a hangar where ever they are based, under a CAMO (Continuous Airworthiness Management Organisation) and don’t do any pilot-owner stuff for maintenance, only Part-M Subpart F or Part-145. They do have decent instrumentation and radios, and are approved for Night VFR, and are generally kept nice and tidy so they may not be your average club planes though. It’s a journey back in time, but still, we want to do that in style.

Uudet hinnat voimaan 1.9.2019

Johtuen voimakkaasta kysynnästä ja voidaksemme tarjota jatkossakin huipputason koulutus- ja asiakaspalvelua Suomessa tarkistamme lentokoulutushintojamme 1.9.2019 alkaen kohonneen kustannustason myötä. Uudet hinnat tulevat näkymään pian hinnastostamme.

Lennonopettajien kertausseminaari 25.-26.4.2019

Järjestämme lennonopettajien (FI/IRI) kaksipäiväisen kertausseminaarin torstaina ja perjantaina 25. ja 26. huhtikuuta kello 09.00-16.00 Aeropolen tiloissa Malmin lentoasemalla. Ilmoittaudu viimeistään 17.4 mennessä ottamalla meihin yhteyttä!

Seminaarin hinta on 315 EUR (sis. ALV 24%).


Muutoksia hinnastossa alkaen 15.6.2018

Johtuen voimakkaasta kysynnästä ja voidaksemme tarjota jatkossakin huipputason koulutus- ja asiakaspalvelua Helsingissä tarkistamme lentokoulutushintojamme 15.6.2018 alkaen. Uudet hinnat löytyvät jo hinnastostamme. Ennen 15.6.2018 solmitut uudet asiakassopimukset toteutetaan vanhalla hinnalla, eli nyt on oivallinen hetki tarttua tuumasta toimeen ja aloittaa lentotunnit! Älä epäröi, vaan tee tästä kesästä lentokesä!

Aeropole Malmi Fly-in:issä ensi viikonloppuna 26-27.5.

Aeropole on paikalla Malmi Fly-in -tapahtumassa ensi viikonloppuna Helsinki-Malmin lentoasemalla. Tervetuloa myös käymään lentokonehalli 2:n tiloissamme! Tutustu tapahtumaan: helsinkiflyin.fi

Haemme lisää mekaanikkoja ja asentajia kasvavaan huoltotoimintaamme

Aeropole Maintenance Oy hakee joukkoonsa taas lisävoimia! Haluatko olla osana Pohjoismaiden uusinta ja asiakasystävällisintä lentokonehuoltoa?

Aeropolella on nyt seuraavat tehtävät avoinna:

  • PART-66 Aircraft Technicians, Certifying Staff, kokopäiväinen, Helsinki
  • Lentokoneasentaja, kokopäiväinen, Helsinki

Tutustu avoimiin tehtäviin (englanniksi).

Jos haluat iloiseen joukkoomme mukaan tai tunnet jonkun joka saattaisi haluta, ota heti yhteyttä meihin osoitteessa  recruitment@aeropole.fi

Yölentokurssin teoria NF(A) 13.2.2018 klo 16-21

Pidämme yölentoteoriakurssin 13.2.2018 klo 16-21. Tilaisuuteen voi osallistua myös etäyhteydellä (Skype). Ilmoittaudu ostamalla kurssi verkkokaupastamme. Teoriakurssin hinta on 285 € (sis. Alv 24%). Teoriaopetuksen jälkeen voit lentää lento-osuuden hintaan 2705 € (sis. Alv 24%).

Useita uusia avoimia paikkoja (Mekaanikkoja, Lennonopettajia)

Toiminnan laajentuessa etsimme uusia työkavereita uuteen lentokonehuoltoomme useisiin täysipäiväisiin tehtäviin sekä täysipäiväisiä lennonopettajia. Tartu mahdollisuuteen, löydä uusi mahtava työpaikka ilmailusta!

Avoimet tehtävät rekrysivuillamme